This page is for any questions regarding TCBA! Use "Command F" to see if anything like yours has been answered! This page may potentially contain spoilers for new readers (only for whatever's been publically revealed). However, if you'd like to get some background into the story/world before reading, or want to know my boundaries regarding fanworks, feel free to proceed anyways! GENERAL What will the comic's schedule be? Updates on Tuesdays and Fridays!! What's the age recommendation for the comic? This comic is 15+, due to themes of suicide, drugs, trauma, as well as raunchy humor not fit for your average 12 year old. Why is this website so fucking ugly YOU LITTLE SHIT THIS WEBSITE IS MY PRIDE AND JOY AND I LOVE IT DEARLY!!!! Er, I mean, it's because I don't really know how to code admittedly. Also I wanted to get a website reminiscent of an early 2000's Neocities site. The comic sans is unrelated to this it's just easier for me to read. What inspired this webcomic? A lot. It's mostly based off my own personal experiences growing up struggling with drugs, religion, mental illness, my identity as a queer person, suicide, and more. Though a lot of these aren't things that actually happened to me (thank god), a lot of it still is. Also don't try to figure out my trauma from this comic, by the way. That's really shitty. Who is "Bedtime Stories for Junkies"? The TCBA production team! ^_^ The members are usually referred to as just junkies Why is TCBA mostly referred too by it's abbreviation? :3 Why are you like this. Like just in general. Schizophrenia, I think. What kind of fan-stuff is allowed? I'M FLATTERED YOU'D ASK! :3 While obviously I can't police what people make, do know i am perfectly fine with any and all NSFW art of my works! As long as you put it in a place that minors cant see, of course ^^ I also will NEVER allow any sort of art that is anything obviously morally wrong or hateful (and by this I mean don't draw my characters in Nazi shit or whatever). If you do do these things anyways, please don't send them to me. I promise I will turn and look the other way. Thanks! Can I make translations/fan-dubs of the comic? Yes! Of course! You have my full permission! Are AUs allowed? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO SEE THEM TOO OMG :33333 THANKIESSSSSSSSSSSSSS :-DDDDDDDD CHAPTER RELATED QUESTIONS When's the next chapter? FUCK if I know Will there be a physical release of TCBA? See above CHARACTER RELATED QUESTIONS Why is everyone autistic/queer/trans/psychotic/traumatized/etc? This is a story based off my own life experiences. What did you expect? Are you fine with people kinning your characters? ABSOLUTELY! I'm flattered you connect with the characters that much! You have my full permission! Who's your favorite character? HAPPY!!!!!! Are you fine with shipping? YES, GO HAM! Are we allowed to selfship? ABSOLUTELY! GO HAVE FUN :3 Are we allowed to make fan-characters? I sincerely doubt anyone will, but ABSOLUTELY!!! I would LOVE to see them also! Any notes for making fan-characters? A quick and dirty rundown:
Other than that, go ham! Any colors, species, hybrids, etc is fine! Go CRAZY!!!!! Is the inheritance thing stolen from Pokemon. Be honest. Shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUTIP HSI8TOPSHTUPSHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP BULLYING ME PLEASE COMMON LORE QUESTIONS Where does TCBA take place? In Croatia! Very real country by the way (dead serious I've actually had people tell me I was making countries up) When does TCBA take place? In 2019! Or at least, that's when it starts ;3
Why is everyone furries? How come it's ONLY mammals and not any other animals like birds or lizards? :3 Why does Zack wear the TV head? :3 What animal is Happy? :3 What animal is Lillian? :3 What's up with [character]? Are they ok? :3 Is anyone in this comic ok? No. Are you ok? I'm trying to be What species are Lorenzo and Zack? Oh finally something I can answer! Zack is mostly a rabbit but partially a dog, and Lorenzo is a ram but partially a raccoon! Where is Wasabi's neck? Ok this one's just an aesthetic choice it's not that deep What's up with celebrities? The way the TCBAverse (and all my OCverses work) is that everyone exists in every universe in some way shape or form, which would extend to celebrities. If someone was born after 1962 and is still alive today, they are a furry and alive and well in the TCBAverse! If they were born before 1962, or died before 2012 anyways, they were a human and. :3. They are mostly there for jokes at most Does that mean Mr Beast exist in this universe? Yes. PAST PROJECT RELATED QUESTIONS What was "Nothing Makes Everything Make Sense"? It was the original version of TCBA. There's no one NMEMS, really, it just slowly evolved into TCBA as I grew, learnt, and recovered. Keep in mind that last bit, as NMEMS whole point and message was "the endpoint for everyone is misery. No matter how happy you are, nothing gets better". I'm dead fucking serious I really was NOT ok. What was Plushletale? Plushletale was my first serious project, I made it when I was around 15 or so. I don't wanna share too much information about it as I do wanna make it real someday, but in short it failed BAD. Part of it was due to a lack of an actual team, what little team we did have all HATED each other, meaning I eventually had to do everything and experienced MAJOR burnout. Also, I changed the plot 3 times while writing the comic. I hadn't planned anything, and made up everything on the spot. Also it was really fucking boring. OTHER QUESTIONS Is Wasabi neutered? What is wrong with you people Life Advice: LOVE EACHOTHER LIKE HOW PUPPIES DO | |
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