
NAME! Lillian
AGE! 8
PRONOUNS! she/her
GENDER! female

BIRTHDAY! August 1st 2011


Lillian is a [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] who’s now apart of The World’s Worst Found Family ™! She’s an energetic, naive, sweet kid who tends to keep to herself outside of her family, though even her brothers tends to be confused by her behaviors. She likes her brother, Happy, the most out of her family, and feels as though he’s a parental figure to her. She likes Weird Al, fish, biting people, tearing apart birds with her bare teeth, Bare Naked Ladies (the band), candy (gummies especially), the color blue, fire, dinosaurs, and trucks! She hates anyone Happy hates (especially Wasabi), the color teal, anything that isn’t sugary or meat, [REDACTED], and the moon. She has ADHD and [REDACTED]!

